Dr. Mounika Ketha MBBS MD.DVL
Hair Loss Treatment in Hyderabad

Your Best Dermatologist for Hair Care!

Your Best Dermatologist for Hair Care!

Certified in hair transplantation and aesthetic dermatology Dr. Mounika has over 10 years experience in bringing smiles.

Certified in hair transplantation and aesthetic dermatology Dr. Mounika has over 10 years experience in bringing smiles.

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Best Dermatology Clinic for Hair Thinning and Hair Loss Treatment and Cost

Hair fall is a major concern for people of all age groups. Children with adult pattern hair loss are increasing in numbers due to unhealthy diet and sedentary lifestyle.  Nutritional deficiency is something which we can easily identify and correct most of the time.

We dermatologists usually find the other variants more challenging to treat. We can broadly group them as scarring (lichen planopilaris , discoid lupus erythematosus) and non scarring (Alopecia areata, Telogen effluvium and patterned hair loss) types of hair fall.


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Hair Loss Causes

Hair cycle every hair follicle has a growing phase (anagen), resting phase & shedding phase (telogen)

Telogen effluvium happens because of injury to the hair follicle which allows it to enter the shedding phase.  It is common after child birth, surgeries, fever or any major health concerns. Here the hairfall happens 3- 6 months after the event and the number of strands that fall are in large numbers. Most people experienced this kind of hair fall during the covid period.

Patterned hairloss – male and female pattern hair loss are essentially one and the same except in women there are a series of hormones involved making it a lot more complicated. Insulin, Thyroid and stress hormones can be involved in both men and women. Women additionally have prolactin and testosterone involvement. Most of the time these hormone fluctuations are internally related causing imbalance in more than one hormone.

Local action of DHT dihydrotestosterone over the hair follicles causes miniaturisation of the hair follicles which is often mistaken as baby hair. These are infact hairs which are unable to grow to the full capacity. Eventually the hair follicle becomes hard, fibrosed and incapable to inhabit any hair growth.

We have to save the follicles from becoming fibrotic and we have several medication to help you in this process.

Hair Loss Treatment Procedures in Hyderabad at Arna Clinic

Platelet Rich Plasma Treatment

Platelet rich plasma and growth factor concentrate are widely known to improve hair growth. They primarily convert the telogen hair to the anagen hair by boosting the stem cells. These procedures are also widely accepted for the ease of the procedure and also because of the great results. We at Arna clinic have derived our own protocols to maximise the outcome by combining various procedures along with high quality supplements and topical agents.

PRP Treatment
Low Level Laser Light Therapy

Low Level Laser (Light) Therapy

LLLT is a low fluence diode laser used for hair growth it helps in prolonging the growing phase of the hair. Essentially this has to be used by you at home about twice a week. There are many such devices that are available online and picking the right one may be a problem, not just because you wonder if they are genuine but also because of the safety profile. We have a really good LLLT device available on our e commerce website arnashop.in which we have tried and tested on our patients. It is cost effective and has benefitted many of our patients over the last 5 years.

Hair Transplant Treatment

This is essential sometimes to reconstruct the lost hairline In the front of your scalp or when the crown area doesn’t respond to the above procedures. This happens if large number of follicles have fibrosed already.

We at arna clinic are really good at hair transplant as we promise healthy transplantation process done after double confirming the marking area according to your requirement.

We don’t over-harvest making the donor site depleted. We follow strict protocols in maintaining a sterile environment to avoid infections.

We choose who we operate on. If you are not a good minoxidil user or if your general health standards in terms of blood pressure, blood sugars and nutrition are not maintained well, the grafts will not take up.

Hair Transplant Treatment in Hyderabad
Hair Transplant Treatment in Hyderabad

Best Dermatology Clinic in Hyderabad

Comprehensive Assessment and Treatment

We begin by conducting a thorough evaluation to identify the underlying cause of your hair loss. This assessment  includes examining your medical history, performing scalp examinations through trichoscopy and blood tests. In women we may need a pelvic scan to look for ovarian cysts.

Tailored Solutions for Hair Thinning

We usually combine more than one procedure to give you the best outcome. We may sometimes choose to do your growth factors before or after hair transplant depending on what would work best for you, given the timeline and your priorities. This is the reason why our clients from USA and middle east love our work.

hair thinning
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