You already know about how pigmentation occurs at varying depths of the skin. Most pigmentation disorders like melasma, lichen planus pigmentosus, macular amyloidosis, and certain naevi (birthmarks) involve both epidermis and dermis.


The pigment cells (melanocytes) present deep in the skin, distribute melanin to the skin cells which then, move upwards with progressing maturity and eventually exfoliate away from the top- layer of the skin. The amount of melanin produced is genetically determined and we cannot kill the melanocytes as that would leave behind white patches. We could however control the pigment distribution to the skin cells, by altering the structure of the pigment cells using this LASER. We could say that we can achieve permanent results in all the disorders except in melasma where the results can vary due to multiple contributing factors.

Our LASER is equipped with a long pulsed mode avoiding even the remotest possibility of blistering or redness that happens with regular LASERs.

Chemical peels

Broadly categorized as superficial or deep, chemical peels are useful in treating acne, scars, and pigmentation along with textural improvement. We could say the word ‘chemical’ is not rightly used as most of the time it’s plant or milk-based. Some of the deep peels however are industrially manufactured and I rarely use them in certain stubborn conditions.

This is a short, stage-wise process that we may have to repeat once in 2-3 weeks depending on the skin manifestations and the kind of peel used.

Chemical peels increase the skin cell turnover pushing out the sticky keratinocytes clogging the outlet of your oil (sebaceous) glands causing acne. They also exfoliate the melanin-deposited keratinocytes that help decrease pigmentation. Certain peels contain calming agents that deal with the redness or inflammation. I could choose what best suits you from a variety of peels that are available, depending on the kind or grade of acne lesions present.