Acne Scar Removal? The best treatment options?

Pimples especially if they occur early in life can leave behind a lot more pits/scars than usual. Adult acne is no good , it’s usually cystic leaving behind deeper scars. If this is affecting your self-confidence you should not think twice before approaching our Outpatient to get it corrected.

In case you are a student or a working professional, who has to be out there meeting people, attending classes or meetings, then we have to be careful while planning your treatment options. There are various treatment options and some of them can be associated with some downtime like redness, crusting, swelling which may last for 4-7 days after the procedure.

However, all the Scar Removal treatments don’t come with a downtime.

We decide on a treatment plan depending on your scar grade, type and not to forget your age, the kind of work you do and the downtime we can afford. Severe scarring calls for Subcision and fractional Co2 LASER, while the milder variants can be managed with microneedling radiofrequency (MNRF) treatment .

Adding PRP, exosomes, PDRN and hyaluronic acid boosters to the mainstream treatment options is like icing on the cake and is suggested for added benefits. Ice pick scarring is also the tough and deeper kind calling for TCA cross along with the other mentioned treatments.


Deep scars usually have underlying fibrous bands which pull and fix the surface of the skin to the deeper layers (dermis). This demands for the need to release the fibres before we go ahead with any procedure that stimulates collagen production.

Here, we use a radiofrequency probe that’s introduced from a port created in a corner to allow maximum approachability. The tip of the probe releases the bands with the help of radiofrequency current that warms up the tissue for easy release of fibre bands. It is then gently moved around to release the fibrous bands.


We use sublative radiofrequency assisted microneedling, to achieve best results. The microcurrents generated at the tips of the needles, help in new collagen production and alignment of the fibres, that further helps lift the scars.. The associated downtime (redness, pain, swelling) is greatly reduced, as the microcurrents are generated only after the needles enter the dermis. This means there’s zero chance of epidermal burns and associated pigmentation, while delivering maximum collagen production.


During CO2 laser skin treatment, the skin is first cleansed and numbed with a topical anesthetic to minimize discomfort. The laser is then applied to the targeted areas of the skin, where it delivers pulses of laser energy to precisely remove thin layers of damaged skin. The depth and intensity of the treatment can be adjusted based on the specific skin concerns being addressed and the desired outcome.

FAQ's On Acne Scar Removal

How can I clear my acne scars?

Clearing acne scars depends on the type of scars. Treatments such as CO2 laser, Microneedling with radiofrequency MNRF (morpheus8) and Subcision can effectively improve the appearance of skin texture by disrupting the collagen.

Which is the best treatment for scars removal?

If you are looking for one treatment that fits all – fractional co2 is excellent for all scar types. It is cost effective and needs lesser number of sessions in comparison to other modalities of treatment.

Can acne scars be 100% removed?

We usually promise a 70-80% clearance for newly formed scars. If someone is over promising then it’s debatable.

Why is Arna Clinic the best clinic for Scar Removal in Hyderabad?

Arna Clinic is popular for acne scars treatment as they offer personalized treatment plan depending on individual needs. The equipment used is state of the art, US FDA approved and leaves no option for side effects.

Can I remove acne scars naturally?

Eating collagen rich diet or use of collagen supplements can reduce the intensity of active scarring but doesn’t help the old scars to naturally go away unless we back it up with one of the above treatments. Reducing the chance of new acne that leaves behind new scars can however reduce the appearance of new scars. Natural remedies per say work for acne treatment but unfortunately don’t exist for scars.